2 Pictures, 200 Words, Lots of Ideas.
Pictures, words, lots of ideas. If one picture equals 1,000 words, how many ideas does it generate? Is there a transitive property there? I had time over the weekend to pick up two unrelated pictures....
View Article18-Point Twitter Etiquette Primer
(Note: originally published on Planning Startups Stories)I’m getting to know Twitter more these days, using it more, and enjoying it. I’m Timberry on Twitter. I’m frequently grateful to Twitter friends...
View Article10 Business Social Media Mistakes to Avoid
Everybody involved with business social media (or flirting with it) ought to read 10 Ways We’re Being Rude in Social Media and Don’t Even Know It by David Spark. Here’s his list (explanations are...
View ArticleSocial Media Morality Tale: Truth, Authenticity, Revenge
It starts with this news item on the Chronicle of Higher Education. I agree with the post. It is ironic:… social-media director quit her post on Monday after it was alleged that she had lied about...
View ArticleThe Social Media Scrapyard: Where Businesses go to Rot
Put in the time and effort, or join the heap of failed social media. Photo credit: Thomas Nugent, WikiCommonsI had to laugh when I read this piece by Tim Berry: Social Media is Littered with Business...
View ArticleThe ‘Social’ in Social Media Marketing
What’s the difference between social media marketing and online marketing?Photo: Paola PeraltaOne talks to their audience, the other talks down to them.Websites, emails, and banner ads all tell you...
View ArticleLet’s hash out the #hashtag
Hashtags are becoming more and more popular because they’re no longer limited to Twitter; now they’ve spread to most major social networks. If you haven’t been using them as part of your social media...
View ArticleDon’t feed the trolls… starve and slay them
Don’t let them roam free. Pic: Jean-noAnyone who’s spent even one day browsing through social media sites will have come across an Internet troll.Online trolls or spammers (there is a difference...
View Article3 Social Media Mistakes that Businesses Make
I see this nearly every day. I come across the Facebook page of one company, the Twitter feed of another brand, and it’s right there—clear for anyone to see. It’s the social media mistakes that many...
View ArticleWhy Nobody Shares or Links to Your Content
Getting social shares and external links to your blog, vlog, podcast, etc. is essential for the following reasons: Grows your audience Boosts your SEO Raises awareness and improves the reputation of...
View ArticleFor Best Social Media Results, Add Patience
I clicked on a link, in Twitter, to Lana Richardson’s Why You Should Stop Marketing On Facebook – a post on her TweakYourBiz blog – because we market on Facebook, for ourselves, for our clients, and...
View ArticleCold Tweeting: Are You Doing It Wrong?
It’s inevitable that with the rise of social media, businesses will have to think of new ways to reach out to potential customers and market themselves. Cold calling is a common sales technique in the...
View ArticleHow to Join a Social Media Conversation
Would you go up to two strangers in a café, and interrupt them mid-conversation to talk about your business? Those who have a shred of sanity wouldn’t, yet somehow a lot of people think it’s acceptable...
View ArticleNewbie Blogging Mistake 1: Thinking that Looks Don’t Matter
In this series on newbie blogging mistakes, I’ll be taking a look at some of the most deadly blogging sins that first-time bloggers make. This first post focuses on a common oversight: thinking that...
View ArticleNewbie Blogging Mistake 2: Writing for Everyone
In my previous post on newbie blogging mistakes, I focused on overlooking the visual aspect of your blog. In this post, I’m going to discuss not having or not sticking to a niche. Writing for everyone...
View ArticleNewbie Blogging Mistake 3: Ignoring or Overdoing SEO
The previous post in this series discussed the newbie blogging mistake of not writing for a niche. Now, I’m going to talk about the one thing that can be both a gift and a headache for bloggers: search...
View ArticleNewbie Blogging Mistake 4: Hitting “Publish” Too Soon
The last newbie blogging mistake I discussed was ignoring or overdoing SEO. This post will delve into what should (and shouldn’t) happen once you’ve written the blog post. It’s tempting, especially...
View ArticleNewbie Blogging Mistake 5: Not Promoting and Not Engaging
In the other posts in this series, I discussed newbie blogging mistakes such as ignoring the design of your blog, overdoing SEO, not having a niche, etc. This time, I want to take a look at the...
View Article3 Social Media Mistakes that Businesses Make
I see this nearly every day. I come across the Facebook page of one company, the Twitter feed of another brand, and it’s right there—clear for anyone to see. It’s the social media mistakes that many...
View ArticleWhy Nobody Shares or Links to Your Content
Getting social shares and external links to your blog, vlog, podcast, etc. is essential for the following reasons: Grows your audience Boosts your SEO Raises awareness and improves the reputation of...
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